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MDP26075D0MRF4_PHYITMed8HeadPhytophthora infestans (strain T30-4) (Potato late blight fungus)
MDP26076D0MTF3_PHYITMed11HeadPhytophthora infestans (strain T30-4) (Potato late blight fungus)
MDP26077D0NFV5_PHYITMed14TailPhytophthora infestans (strain T30-4) (Potato late blight fungus)
MDP26078D0NR16_PHYITMed4MiddlePhytophthora infestans (strain T30-4) (Potato late blight fungus)
MDP26079D0NRG4_PHYITMed4MiddlePhytophthora infestans (strain T30-4) (Potato late blight fungus)
MDP26080D0P040_PHYITMed27TailPhytophthora infestans (strain T30-4) (Potato late blight fungus)